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More on the 3 foundations 


 Living the Promises

Whether one knows and believe in God or His word or not, we are all living Gods promises, with a mathematical exactness. That is why He calls it the LIVING WORD... 

From physical healings to our finances, family bonding to getting our children's life-skills where they should be. From living on a path directed by our government to learning how to let God direct our paths.

Now more than ever we need God directing our paths and showing us His desires for our family's future.



Most of us are aware of the fact that our world's ways have been keeping us distant from God and His glory! They have also succeeded in keeping so many unaware and blinded to satan and his devices. His agenda to steel, kill and destroy us and our children and our children's children. The name Morgellons is flashing across today's news and medical reports. 

Far too many questions left unanswered.
Don't we all just want to know the truth?

Join our Awareness Team.
Find support, encouragement and help us find the truth.


Innovation Team

MyTekc Brighter World Innovations. 


We can go on and on here as to the corruption in the world and how it has affected our families, most of all our children. But if we are complaining we are remaining, plain and simple!

We need  a drop down Menu to modernized resolutions and hands - on - help tools at our finger tips. 

Drive through style to God Speed Recovery's,


               God's Timing is now! 

3 programs

Each program a foundation that will keep God first in our family, our health and our innovative projects. 


Living the Promises

A place to practice and apply what we learn in our churches. A place to get stronger in the Lord and learn how to take God's promises to the highest level of expectations. Your family could be our next testimonial to God's gloryl.



World and Health

A place to find God's healing and world awareness for our families and loved one's. A place to help take the blinders off and see everything as the spiritual battle that it is. 

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MyTekc Brighter World Innovations

Bringing God and scripture principal as the foundation, we encourage the golden rule of any successful business plan. (Find a problem, create a biblical based solution).

Innovating and inventing the world God wants us to live in.


in a nutshell

The body of Christ Fitly Joined

I'm not the only one God has prepared for His 2023 recovery mission for you. Together we are the body. 

 Living the Promises is God's Networking Center, on a 3-part mission. 

Providing and Connecting you to:

  1. Solid Spiritual Guidance.

  2. Health and Awareness

  3. Help-Tools & Creative Opportunities 

3 steps to  success

I'm not the only one God has prepared for his 2023 recovery mission for you. Together we are the body. 

 Living the Promises is God's Networking Center, on a 3 part mission. 

Providing and Connecting you to:

  1. Solid Spiritual Guidance.

  2. Health and Awareness

  3. Help-Tools & Creating Opportunities 

Living the Promises

Together we can practice biblical application, build our skills and learn how to live God's greater promises. 


So Many Of Us Need To Get Stronger in the Lord. And Learn How To Take God's Promises to the Highest Level of  Expectations.

We have a lot of recoveries to achieve, Let's get busy!


Health and Awareness

His instructions will guide us out of everything satan had planned for us and our children. A good starting point  is  application of, 2 Cor 2:11

Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devicesTake the blinders off and see everything as the spiritual battle that it is. 



2020 has been a wake up call we all needed. Most of us knew things were not right but didn't know how to fix them. So now we have a perfect opportunity to re-invent the world we want to live in.  AWAKE!

Watch video here

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Kalamazoo, Mi 49001

Tel: 269-998-2060

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