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God Calls Us All to Do Something 

Question is do we answer, and how do we know it was really Him?

Hi I'm Carrie Bertrand - Sluiter: Pastor, Author, Visionary and Entrepreneur.


The chapters in my life have been like pieces of a puzzle, believing every experience, book and entrepreneurial adventure was called by God or allowed for training and first had experience. His timing is never when we think it should be, but when it is from Him it's never late!

More than an author promoting books.

Rule number one; never question what God has allowed you to go through.

Often our troubles are God's training field that take us where He needs us to be.


Rule number two; Always remember that it's on His timing.

God doesn't have a drive through for the called... 

Moses took 40 years! 

Every step on our journey is a puzzle piece for His big picture

When 30 + years of your life's journey connects the dots to 3-foundational platforms containing a recovery plan every family needs it is the time to answer. 



Carrie Bertrand - Sluiter
Founder and CEO


I was the Founder and owner of the Believer’s Business Center in Kalamazoo, Michigan for eight years. I am the Founder and Owner of Artios Services, LLC for forty-three years; a full service janitorial and maintenance company which is still in operation. I have authored two self-help books: ‘Living the Promises" and ‘Awareness’. I am the Pastor of Living the Promises Church, and hold several professional certifications including: Life Coach by the International Coaching Foundation, Domestic Violence Recovery Coach, and PCGP (Person-Centered Goal Planner) Specialist. I became an Entrepreneur at the age of sixteen, and have fulfilled this role ever since.


I have served as a Director on numerous Corporate and Community Agency Boards. – MCTI (Michigan Career and Technical Institute) 7 years, Board Member and speaker.


 Other Experience/Skills Visionary Inspirational Speaker, Entrepreneurial Training and Business Development, Event Planner & Coordinator, Biblical Life Coach focusing on understanding and application.


 My family resides in my home town of Kalamazoo, Michigan  .


About Me

Romans 8:37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

My call began in 1992 when I experienced first-hand, the horrifying disease called Morgellons. I found God through my desperation for answers.

The answers I found for healing all those years ago, the detailed descriptions of Morgellons, the documented evidence in the book. The message He gave me for my Living the Promises book and ministry, 

The living the promises book and ministry is needed more today than ever for full - fast - recovery for our families and our children today...Most importantly will help others heal through God's promises. 


Through nine years firsthand experiences running a Networking Christian help center and  Entrepreneural  

training and coaching classes.

Next was through the neglected, abused children He sent for me to foster or adopt He was able to show me needed innovation and inventions to help struggling families, help adoptive families and help the children recover from their abuse. Right down to the innovation ideas for a Godly world that will help us and our children recover and bring us back to God and our children back to us... 

And now, today's news Scientist and Doctors finding Morgellons linked to our food, water, the Vaccines, China and the CDC. has brought me back to Morgellons in 2023 to help in any way I can. Every detail has come full circle.

Only God could attain such mathematical exactness that would connect the dots to today's News and Needs...


This is why God and I introduce to you our 2023 recovery plan through 3 programs.

Living the Promises


MyTekc Brighter World Innovations


Connecting the Dot's "In a Nut Shell"

 In 1992  I found God in desperation through a disease called Morgellons. Long story short, God and His word healed me in 1994, I closed that chapter in my life and kept it in what I called a Pandora's box. By 2006 I had become a pastor and wrote a book called Living the Promises. In 2008 God brought me back to Morgellons to help others who were suffering with its debilitating symptoms. Through research I found Morgellons was connected to the CDC. I wrote a book with the documented evidence to bring “Awareness” of Morgellons and hope to the thousands of other sufferers of that horrifying disease. 


Realizing the world didn’t need just another pastor and church I founded a networking Christian help center called Believers Business Center. There I could promote my ministry, my books and my other business Artios Services. But most importantly, fulfill my greatest desire, using my life experiences to help others. After nine years there my journey was again shifted. 


In 2013 through a foster care situation, God began showing me a new business plan that would help the world more than a networking center. MyTekc Brighter World Innovations was born. .

Families don't need just another Church

We need a business plan designed to help families bring the church home with them. 

So I built one. The Believers Business Center at 1301 Cameron, Kalamazoo's poorest neighborhood. A networking, Christian Help Center.


News article below


KALAMAZOO —click to read full article


A longtime business owner is on a mission to help others by starting a Believers Business Center in the Edison neighborhood.

Carrie Bertrand said she has been working for three years on the business-center concept and will introduce it to some city and neighborhood leaders in a presentation Friday and to the public at a later date. Betrand is the owner of the janitorial company Artios Services and the leasing company Agapao Properties and pastor of Living the Promises Church.


Shine a light: Pastor-entrepreneur builds neighborhood business center





One moment, one phone call!

Making money, pursuing business and the next networking meeting and coaching others was my life. Until one minute, one phone call, I was catapulted into a world I didn’t even know existed: the world of abused children, foster care systems, and dysfunctional family syndromes.


Overnight, I became a relative foster care parent. I had no reason to doubt I could do this. I had just been certified as a Life Coach, Domestic Violence Recovery Coach, and was a Pastor, along with other relevant credentials, this should have been a breeze. But nothing could have prepared me for the chaos and malfunction of which God had dropped me in the midst of.


But it was though that journey and my desperation to help my children,, I began to envision  apps, games and technology tools that would help me and help my family. I began searching for them and nothing existed. All I found was horrifying family statistics.  When ​a flash of defeat tried to creep in and I  was ready to throw my hands up in surrender. the entrepreneurial spirit in me jumped for joy seeing such a huge need in technology. What an open-door opportunity! I realized this was my new purpose and mission in life. So I began designing them. The world desperately needs a "Virtual World Table." and a drop down menu to true targeted family support and solutions.    


I shared a couple of my app ideas with my children's counselor and therapist. I was greatly encouraged by her to endorse them, even for the practice and improvement of the ADD, ADHD, and sensory disorders my children struggle with.


Thus, MyTekc and the Family Coach IT product line was envisioned and born. Technology is the most powerful tool the world has in its arsenal to create change. My desire to create a company and products that will travel the world providing hands-on, help tools for the millions of struggling families living in the IT world continued. The ideas, amazing product inventions, patents and needs were there  but timing never let it soar.   

Fast Forward 2020 - 2024
God's Timing!

When my puzzle came together it became three foundations that will connect and support all of our training fields and puzzles for world recoveries of body, soul, and spirit with God's speed.

Let me explain...

My Living the Promises and Awareness books are more relevant in today's world than they were the day God had me write them. And, now more than ever in our history is a time for innovation and new inventions. We have the power and ability within us and between us to innovate the world God wants us to live in. For this He gave me a vision for  MyTekc Brighter World Innovations, a brand for products and services that will help our families.


Participate in one or all three programs today!  Become a member now

Kalamazoo, Mi 49001

Tel: 269-998-2060



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